Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Trip to the Mountains


Mountain Brook

Digital C-Print

          While editing images I took this past summer I came across this one and decided to share it with you. This is a very special place that I have been visiting ever since I was a child. Every time I visit there I am put into a trance at how absolutely serene it is. A professor once told me you never get the same shot twice. You can go to a place a million times over and take a different picture of the same landscape. He was absolutely right. I have photographed that mountain brook hundreds of times and every shot was different. The landscape keeps evolving and changing. Everyday the lighting is slightly different. I feel like we take our surroundings for granted. I try to appreciate it every day.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Giving You A Little New Mexico

Santa Fe At Night

Digital C-Print

                Over looking the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi on a beautifully cloudy night. I was born and raised in New England. I have traveled to several different countries but haven't had the opportunity to explore our own until the past couple of years. It really is amazing to see how diverse our own country can be from state to state or even within one state. Keep an eye out for more images from my treks around New Mexico. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Trekking Around

Exploring Santa Fe

I've traveled the world and now I am exploring our country. Santa Fe is an eclectic little community living at a high altitude.

Black Locust Tree

Santa Fe's Peppers