Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Ongoing Project


Right Side of the Brook

11" x 14"

        NightScapes is a series of experimental photographs that was my senior thesis in college.  It is an ongoing series that I believe I will continue experimenting with throughout my entire life.  For me it was about finding a place in nature that hasn't been touched by man.  That the night has a beauty all it's own. The kind of beauty we didn't know was there and that the naked eye cannot see. I have been slowly scanning in all my film images to create a digital library of all my work.  This portfolio is also a work in progress as I continue to scan in my other NightScapes and as I progressively shoot more.  I still want to carry on this series with film but have decided to also experiment in a digital format as well. Click HERE to view my NightScapes Portfolio and to read my artist statement about these experimental photographs.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Check Out My Portfolio In Progress


Tuna Factory

11" x 14"
C - Print
Scopello, Sicily
            All my work up until recently was film based.  I love shooting film.  It is how I was taught and there is something amazing about being able to create an image in the darkroom; which is why I fell in love with Photography in the first place.  My love for the darkroom is still there, but times have changed, and I can't always get to a dark room, so I have gone digital.  That doesn't mean I don't shoot film anymore, especially large format, I am just keeping pace with the rest of the world.  Over the past 7 months I have been scanning in all my film prints so I can have a digital portfolio.  But when I got my new computer somehow, someway, my external hard drive ended up being wiped of all information.  So I am slowly starting the process over again. I'm re-scanning all my work again, so as of now I only have a few images up, but there will be more to come! Take a look at the beginnings of my Sicily Portfolio. :)  Click Here to See my SICILY PORTFOLIO

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Getting Back to Business


Paugussett Rope Swing

Digital C-Print
          After some major set backs since my last post, I finally was able to dump some recently shot images.  I shot this while hiking in Paugussett state forest one afternoon. I am particularly drawn to this image for different reasons.  I am drawn to the rich colors, the over all composition, and  how any one that sees this image can find a way to relate to it.  Whether it be a pastime that they enjoyed when they were young or a subliminal message that they may find with in the image itself. There will be more to come shortly now that I am back up and running!