Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Ongoing Project


Right Side of the Brook

11" x 14"

        NightScapes is a series of experimental photographs that was my senior thesis in college.  It is an ongoing series that I believe I will continue experimenting with throughout my entire life.  For me it was about finding a place in nature that hasn't been touched by man.  That the night has a beauty all it's own. The kind of beauty we didn't know was there and that the naked eye cannot see. I have been slowly scanning in all my film images to create a digital library of all my work.  This portfolio is also a work in progress as I continue to scan in my other NightScapes and as I progressively shoot more.  I still want to carry on this series with film but have decided to also experiment in a digital format as well. Click HERE to view my NightScapes Portfolio and to read my artist statement about these experimental photographs.

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