Thursday, September 20, 2012

Check Out My Portfolio In Progress


Tuna Factory

11" x 14"
C - Print
Scopello, Sicily
            All my work up until recently was film based.  I love shooting film.  It is how I was taught and there is something amazing about being able to create an image in the darkroom; which is why I fell in love with Photography in the first place.  My love for the darkroom is still there, but times have changed, and I can't always get to a dark room, so I have gone digital.  That doesn't mean I don't shoot film anymore, especially large format, I am just keeping pace with the rest of the world.  Over the past 7 months I have been scanning in all my film prints so I can have a digital portfolio.  But when I got my new computer somehow, someway, my external hard drive ended up being wiped of all information.  So I am slowly starting the process over again. I'm re-scanning all my work again, so as of now I only have a few images up, but there will be more to come! Take a look at the beginnings of my Sicily Portfolio. :)  Click Here to See my SICILY PORTFOLIO

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