Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lets Get Bottomless

Bottomless Lakes

Roswell, NM

Digital  C- Print

            While driving across New Mexico I wanted to stop at the Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is situated outside of Roswell, NM. I know what you are thinking, "OMG the alien place". Yes, it is the alien place. If you have to drive through Roswell there are two places you should definitely stop: 
  1.      Pecos Flavors Winery- doesn't look like much from the outside, being in a little strip mall, but it really is fantastic on the inside. They have a beautiful bar where you can either sit and have a glass of New Mexico wine or they also have a variety of New Mexico micro-brewed beers as well. Their staff was very friendly, inviting, and knowledgable. You could have a hole in the wall establishment but if your staff is inviting and knowledgeable that is an A+ for me. They have a beautiful space, good wine, and were knowledgeable. It was really worth the drive through Roswell. 
  2.      The original reason I started this post, is the Bottomless Lakes State Park. Just a short drive outside the main city of Roswell, you get to see something really beautiful. The colors there are amazing, striking clear blue water, the land ranging in color from a deep red to a mustard, and the landscape around the lakes has wonderfully colored shrubbery.  The landscapes natural colors were impressive. The colors were so vibrant they seemed almost fake. The clouds that day were surprising and it really was a stroke of luck. I have noticed that the high plains part of New Mexico down to the desert tend to be cloudless often, which in the photography world is an "image killer". Some people have also said that a cloudless sky is like a flowerless garden. My garden was full that day! Believe it or not these lakes are really sinkholes. Yes, sinkholes! Apparently, the New Mexican state parks department feels like they are stable enough for people visit and swim in. So if you are planning a drive through that part of New Mexico, I would encourage you to stop and enjoy the view.
         If you really want to see some "Alien stuff" I believe there a few alien wax museums in Roswell, along with lots of alien stores that you could visit. But honestly while driving through you will see your fare share of Aliens. One of the aliens is the McDonalds that looks like a alien space ship. 

Here's the Pecos Flavors Winery's website, just in case you decide to make a detour. ;)

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