Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rathbun's Sugar House: Adirondack Mountain Exploration

Milk Bottles

Digital C-Print

      Rathbun's sugar house is a place my extended family has been going to for years. I just discovered it within the last couple years and can't believe I didn't know about this place earlier. Nestled away in the Adirondack Mountains this quaint little restaurant is always busy. Expect to wait a while! They have a sugar shack behind the restaurant where depending on the time of year you can watch them make maple syrup or learn about their history. Along side the restaurant they have an area chock full of old American farming equipment and old knick knacks. To some it may look like a pile of junk, to me I see a time forgotten. Surprisingly a lot of the stuff is still in decent condition for being outside year round. 
     I am enamored with these bottles. These are glass milk bottles from once local farms. You can still read the farm's names on the sides of the bottles. The row of bottles caught my eye immediately when I walked into the enclosure. It was a beautiful day and the way they were catching the light made it look like they were sparkling from a distance. From this angle the light softly fills each bottle highlighting the years that they have seen. The landscape behind the bottle is full of beautiful fall foliage.

Expect to see more images from my treks 
around the Adirondack's!

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